Anthony Bonano

Anthony Bonano, better known as Antsy, comes from an Italian family. Although his family may be crazy, he goes unnoticed most of the time. His two siblings, Frank and Christina, are the 'perfect children', and he feels like an outcast. He has two best friends, Howie and Ira, but when Antsy meets the Schwa, their friendship starts to fall apart. Antsy connects well with the Schwa because they are both invisible, but in different ways. He is kind and wants to help the Schwa be noticed, and also knows that he must help himself to do just the same.

Calvin Schwa (The Schwa)

 Calvin Schwa comes from a very strange family. His mom disappeared mysteriously when he was young, and his dad is a lazy painter. The Schwa has felt invisible his whole life. Everywhere he goes, nobody notices him. Its as if "his eyes change color to match the sky. His shoes are always the same color as the ground" (9). He slips under everyones' radar, so he's basically not even there. However, when he meets Ansty, he feels there's hope for other people to actually know that the Schwa was here.

Mr. Crawley

Mr. Crawley is portrayed as an old hermit. He lives above his restauraunt, but never comes outside. He has gray hair, a square jaw, and wears stiff button up shirts. He is old, rich, cranky, and not to be messed with. Everyone is afraid of him because he can do awful things if you make him upset. It is said that one Halloween "some of the neighborhood kids went on an egg patrol-and there are lots of old windows to egg on that second floor of Crawley's restaraunt...from November 1 until New Year's Day, not a single market in the neighborhood had eggs" (39). This goes to show that he's a very powerful man. Temporarily, he's in a weelchair, but that doesn't stop him from punishing Antsy and the Schwa when they break into his house for a dare to steal a dog bowl. He makes them walk all of his dogs, which are extremely large and strong. Mr. Crawley is one of the only people in the book who is immune to the Schwa Effect.


Lexie is Mr. Crawley's grandaughter. She is blind, but she makes the most of it. It doesn't seem to bother her very much and she can do pretty much everything a normal person can. She has a unique way of seeing people: she touches their face. This makes her a very pure and interesting character because she can see the Schwa unlike other people can. At first, the relationship between her and Antsy is strictly business. However, later on it turns into something more. But then the Schwa starts having feelings for Lexie too, and it gets very complicated. In the end, they all decide to be friends. She is very kind at heart, and will do anything to help her grandfather come out of his shell and experience the world.